Say Hello to the Voice of the Company – CALL CENTRE TRAINING


“To endure is greater than to dare, to tire out the hostile fortune; to be daunted by no difficulty; to keep heart when all have lost it – who can say this is not greatness?” Sir William Makepeace Thackeray



The call centre and the front desk are the voice and face of the company. In this course we teach trainees to develop the already exceptional skills that they have working with people. This workshop presented by will help participants define and understand call centre strategies, we will teach trainees to identify the different types of buying motivation and we will link this CALL CENTRE TRAINING COURSE back to our soft skills course by teaching the SMART method to create and attain goals.


Effective communication and telephone etiquette are the corner stones we will be building on, so let’s take a deeper look at what this course offers you and your company. We start with cold calling centres and spend some time looking at strategies when calling; defining buying motives and when to stop talking and listen to close the deal.

We move on to a major point in the lives of all call centre agents – the difficult customer and client. We refresh our memories with effective listening and empathy as we learned in soft skills before we move on to telephone etiquette, an essential skill in modern business, and its importance cannot be minimized.


Staying with selling for another module we learn about sales scripts and learn how to devise our own scripts relevant to the product we are selling.

TIP: Rendering a service to customers, is also selling something. You’re not off the hook if all you hear is customer complaints all day. Resolving complaints in an effective and timeous manner is as good as selling the product the customer is complaining about.

Moving on with the workshop we teach our participants to speak like a STAR using the STAR method – Situation; Task; Action and Result. The case study for this module is a particularly interesting one. In the next module we deal with questions – what you learn about how people ask questions and what they ask, could change your life. Again, we have all heard the seven types of questions we discuss, now you will learn the secret to answering those questions which will close your sales deal or end in a very happily served customer. For example, positive redirection is one of the ways to boost your own credibility.

Closing off for sales calling, we teach our trainees in the CALL CENTRE TRAINING COURSE, what benchmarking is, what metrics are and how to evaluate themselves within their department and how to improve performance. We end off our workshop on SMART goals, another skill we were taught in Soft Skills and lastly we share with you the Six Factors of Success.



Please consult the following link for more details on the course (CALL CENTRE TRAINING COURSE) or to reserve your spot in this workshop please contact 011 882 8853.

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