Business Etiquette Course – How to Conduct Oneself Inside the Company

How to Conduct Oneself Inside the Company – Business Etiquette Course

As with the starting point of our course range, this is a soft skill and the most important soft skill you’ll ever learn (i.e. how to conduct oneself inside the company ). Everything in business revolves around relationships with other people and other companies, knowing how to conduct ourselves in written communication, communication over the telephone and our conduct when meeting and dealing with others is of utmost importance.

Business Etiquette Course: how to conduct oneself inside the company

“The real test of good manners is to be able to put up with bad manners pleasantly.”Kahlil Gibran


We go back to basics with our people skills and our soft skills which go hand in hand. This Business Etiquette Course (How to Conduct Oneself Inside the Company) examines most importantly how to be considerate to other people, one’s personal appearance, and etiquette in the workplace versus social situations.We will also deal with business meetings, proper introductions, the handshake, and social gaffes.

When dealing with international business opportunities, as we learn int the Business Etiquette Course, business etiquette and how to conduct oneself inside the company becomes even more important as we need to take into account cultural differences, interruptions and have proper email and telephone etiquette. We at aim to make our business etiquette workshop help participants to look and sound their best whatever the situation.

Business Etiquette Course: how to conduct oneself inside the company

To sum up the Business Etiquette Course (or How to Conduct Oneself Inside the Company ) in a nutshell, the objectives are: defining etiquette, effective introductions, and good impressions, using business cards effectively, dressing for success and identifying dress code. But there is much more to this workshop than the above.

TIP:  Making a great first impression. If you want to make a good first impression, you need to project the three C’s. Competence, confidence and credibility.

Business Etiquette Course: How to Conduct Oneself Inside the Company

Now that we’ve met and made a good impression we will teach participants the four levels of conversation and how all four levels of conversation are present before we begin talking business. If we do this successfully, the people we communicate with will know who we are, what we do in the company and how we feel about certain issues. We are building a foundation of trust by displaying the correct etiquette.
In fact etiquette is so important; we teach the inns and outs of etiquette at business lunches to our participants over two modules.

Another important point in etiquette is written communication especially the business email, we look at the different fields in an email, what they mean and determine when they should be used. Business English is more formal than English spoken at home or with friends, thus we teach the use of good grammar and language and also identify words and acronyms to be avoided. For example we would never, ever hash tag an email #YOLO. It would be unthinkable.

We move on to discuss cellphone do’s and don’ts and how remarkably easy it is to get it wrong. All our modules close with case studies, but in this workshop the case study is particularly helpful, and by doing the case study and related activity we cement what we have learned into the minds of our participants.

As we said earlier, we end off the workshop on dressing for success and styles of dress.


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